Monday, October 4, 2010

Cisco VPN Client and Network connection issues

If you are having network connection issues and you have Cisco VPN client installed, try stopping the Cisco Systems, Inc. VPN Services. This service seems to conflict with certain LAN protocols.

Specifically, the ongoing issue I have experienced is with EMC Retrospect backup client and the Cisco VPN service. The workaround is to simply stop the Cisco VPN service, allow the backup to complete, then restart Cisco VPN. I believe it has to do with the Piton network protocol that Retrospect client uses because I don't have any other issues except for Retrospect backups.
Here are the specifics:
  • OS Windows XP Pro SP3
  • Retrospect Client version 7.0.107 (more recent versions have the same issue)
  • Cisco VPN Client version (more recent version have the same issue)