Monday, April 7, 2008

Remote Desktop Connection has Expired (Pre-Release Version)

Today, many Remote Desktop users were struck with the following message:

"The Pre-Release Version of Remote Desktop Connection has expired. To download the full version of Remote Desktop Connection, Go to Windows update or contact your system administrator"

This is a result of installing the recently released XP SP3 RC2 from Microsoft. Apparently they packaged the new Remote Desktop Connection in SP3 with an expiration date (assuming 4/7/2008). Thanks so much for the warning Microsoft! This came on as a big Monday morning surprise to many IT pros as well as home server users (WHS).

The fix?
I have seen many posts where people are uninstalling SP3, which works however rather extreme.

As a temporary workaround, you can simply copy the previous version of the following two files into your windows System32 folder. You can copy these files from another pre-SP3 XP machine or simply search your local hard drive and use a previous version which will be in a previous $NtServicePackUninstall$ folder or in the DLLCACHE folder:

Then execute the mstsc.exe (which is the same exe name as the expired version). This effectively rolls back your Remote Desktop version to the previous version.